French Cuff Dress Shirts

Men who wish to have some variety in their wardrobe may consider having some French cuff dress shirts. Double cuff with nice pair of cufflinks can be a nice change from the old conventional buttoned cuff. French cuff dress shirt are defined to be made of woven fabric with full button front and are generally tucked into pants. Even though some dress shirts have short hand sleeves, French cuff dress shirts have long sleeves. French cuff dress shirt also have collars that are structured to accommodate wearing a necktie. French cuff dress shirt has twice the width of regular barrel cuffs. So the French cuff dress short sleeves usually cover some part of the hand when unfolded. These double cuffs can be fastened by means of adding cufflinks that fits perfectly through the buttonholes on the cuff.

French Cuff Dress Shirt

When and Where to Wear French Cuffs

Many modern black-tie formal shirts either have single or double French cuff which can generally be worn with silk knot cuff links. Many Americans and European people wear French cuff dress shirt for daily business attire. These French cuff dress shirt can be worn along with a jacket or for a more casual event one can try dressing up a pair of denim jeans with French cuff shirt and pull of the casual smart in you.

Like other formal dress shirts, French cuff dress shirt can be worn in a traditional cut or in an athletic or slim-fit cut. The traditional men's shirt is cut with a straight body along to the hem starting from the base of the arm hole. While, slim-fit cut is tapered to a narrower waist usually for people with a broader shoulder.

The cuff of the French cuff dress shirt should end just past the wrist. If a man is wearing a jacket, about half an inch of the dress shirt cuff should be visible. Be sure to check the fit of the French cuff dress shirt as it is not easy to adjust as buttoned cuffs.

Fabric Choices in selecting French Cuff Dress Shirts

Various fabrics, blends and weaves are used in French cuff dress shirt. Different combination of warp lengthwise and crosswise threads produce numerous fabric textures. If one wishes to have absorbent and breathable fabric then he must go with all cotton shirts. If one wants to have wrinkles free shirt then the fabric to opt for would be blends of cotton and polyester. Silk being a luxurious fibre can be blended with cotton to create shirts with a slightly lustrous surface.

French cuff dress shirts are available in more than just solid colors and styles. The recent stylish option is to blend solid colored shirt with a contrasting white color collar and white French cuff. But off late prints such as stripes, paisleyand pin dots have also made their way through having convertible cuffs that can be fastened with buttons or with cufflinks.

Printed shirt fabrics are generally more informal than solid-colored fabrics. As a rule of thumb, narrower stripes are dressier than wide stripes, and larger prints are less formal than small prints.

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