Mens Checker Suits
Suits are the formal garments that are the saviour for men given you can style it to almost any occasion. Most of us tend to go with solid suits as a safe choice but there are a lot of styles in suits to try. One such style of suits that is mostly avoided is
checker suit. In this article we are going to discuss about checker suit and tips on how best to style them.

Checker men suits are also widely known as plaid suits. Though the checker men suits style has been in men's fashion for a long time, they seem to have reached a new level of popularity in recent times. The checker pattern is now incorporated in almost every men's garments like shirts, t-shirts, jackets, trousers and suits. Checker men suits give a stylish and elegant look and is the perfect middle of the way choice between the formal and casual clothes.
Checker mens suits are available in many different styles and you can select the one that best suits your need. The checker pattern had its origin in Scotland but has become a popular choice among men and women all over the world. The checker or plaid pattern was first formed when the Scotland landowners started renting or selling their lands to the English settlers. These English formed separate estates with that land and wanted a garment that symbolises their estate. The estates had different landscapes and thus this background was incorporated in the plaid pattern. These garments were used for hunting and other outdoor activities and because of the pattern camouflaged with the surrounding. Soon this became the symbol of the estate and sometime after people who were away from the estates also started wearing the garment. The plaid garments were also associated with rebellion in Scotland which led to its ban for quite some time. The checker pattern has spread throughout the world since then and now has become one of the most preferred pattern in the menswear.

As for the type of checker men suits as mentioned before there are a lot of designs.
Tartan checker mens suits dates back to late 17th century and have managed to stay in style even now. The tartan checker men suits were the ones that were used in the Scotland rebellion against England. The tartan checker men suits then became the work wear in the 1960s. This is considered to be the original plaid design of checker men suits and comes in every colorway. Tartan checker men suits are best to be worn to the semi formal and casual events. Tartan blue checker men suits and tartan red checker men suits are the ones that are most preferred by men.
The next type of checker men suits is the list is the blackwatch suits. This pattern is Tri colored with midnight blue and emerald green squares which are separated by black lines. If you want a traditional refined look then it is better for you to go with blackwatch checker men suits. If you are a person who likes the subtle look of the blue and green checker men suits then this is the best option for you.
Gingham checker men suits are one of the most popular plaid choices among men. The gingham suits reached the height of popularity in the 1960s especially in England. The pattern consists of mini, square checks that come in two main colors especially white and some other color. The gingham checker pattern is also widely known as tablecloth pattern. The gingham checker pattern is now being adopted in many formal garments like suits, jackets and other garments. Gingham checker men suits are good choices when it comes to work wear. Go with gingham white and navy checker mens suits and gingham
white and black checker suits when you need a formal look.
Windowpane checker men suits are another popular choice among men especially the younger generation. The windowpane pattern consists of wide checks that look a lot like windowpanes and hence the name. The windowpane checker men suits are mostly not recommended for office use. Instead you can style the windowpane checker men suits for semi formal and casual events like a casual day out in the city or some fun parties. The windowpane checker men suits will add a bit of dimension to your look and can be easily used as separates. The thing with windowpane checker men suits is that it can work wonderfully if you style it right. For example if you are a tall and lean person then you can go with the normal square versions of the windowpane checker men suits. But if you are a short and bulky person then it is best for you to go with slightly rectangular versions of windowpanes. This will create a visual illusion that will make you look taller and leaner than you originally are. Also you can use the window pane checker men suits jacket separated with a pair of tailored pants and dress loafers. As for the color it is best to stick with classic ones like windowpane gray checker men suits and windowpane navy checker men suits if you want a subtle look. Other than this you can go with brighter ones like windowpane burgundy checker mens suits and windowpane
olive green checker suits for events like summer weddings.
The windowpane checker suits will serve as the statement piece that can make you easily stand out among the crowd.
If you want a subtle looking checker suit then it is best to go with Prince of Wales checker men suits. This is a look that was popularised by the Duke of Windsor who was considered to a fashion symbol of last century. Since it is a relatively formal look it is best to stick with muted colors of blues and greys. If you want a versatile style then it is best to go with single breasted checker suit. When you go with the single breasted style you can easily use them as separates too.
double breasted checker suits are considered to be more formal than the single breasted checker suit.